Auto Insurance Discounts You Probably Don’t Have, But You Could!

by CommonGroundNews
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Auto insurance is a must-have if you own a vehicle. It provides the coverage you need in many instances like accidents, theft, and even injuries.

Sometimes it can seem pricey to have insurance coverage. Although you gain a lot of protection, you may also feel your monthly costs are too much when added to all the other payments you need to make.

When debating how to cut costs on your monthly expenses, you may think auto insurance is not as necessary as it seems. Perhaps it’s a cost that can be cut. All you need to do is drive carefully and avoid accidents. 

It’s a known fact that life doesn’t always work out the way we hope. Even if you drive as carefully as you can, you can’t account for the other drivers on the road or even natural occurrences. So if something happens and you’re stuck without coverage, you’ll find yourself paying all those expenses out of your pocket. And the costs can add up quickly.

There are alternatives, however. Just because you feel your insurance costs are high doesn’t mean they have to stay that way. There are many discounts available to decrease prices, such as auto insurance discounts for state employees.

There are many other savings and discounts available to cut your insurance prices and help keep costs down.

How to Get Auto Insurance Discounts

You may find that some insurance discounts aren’t hugely advertised, but that doesn’t mean they are unavailable. You will need to speak with your insurance agent and possibly dig to find what lesser-known discounts your provider offers.

If you find one you are eligible for, you can bring it up to your agent when your policy is up for renewal. Then the discount can be applied.

Don’t forget—you don’t have to stick to your current insurance provider. Doing a little extra digging could turn up another company that offers much better discounts for your situation. By doing a little research, you should find a policy and deals that fit your needs.

Here are some substantial discounts you should look into before your next policy renewal.

Low-Mileage Discount

Working from home is extremely popular in the given times, and a lot of people are enjoying being able to get their work done from the comfort of their own house. Besides the perks of working in your pajamas, getting your job done from home has some other benefits you may not realize.

If you’re working from home, this means your commute is essentially nonexistent. Therefore, the mileage you are putting on your vehicle is going to decrease drastically. This may put you in the perfect position to apply for a low-mileage discount from your insurance company.

Even if you like to explore your travel options, as long as you keep your mileage low—the typical cap is 7,500 miles a year—the discount still applies. 

Envelope with money

Bundling Discount 

You’ve likely heard a variation of the typical ad sold by countless insurance companies: “Bundling your home and auto could save you money on insurance rates.” Many commercials do advertise these savings. However, you don’t have to stop with only home insurance in your bundle. 

It’s a lesser-known fact that you can also add a life insurance policy along with your bundle to save even more. You may not save extreme amounts of money with bundling, but it will make a difference, and most insurance companies offer it. Plus, it can help with managing your money when all your insurance payments are bundled into one.

Good Student Discounts

If you’re a student or have a child under your policy, you can save yourself some money if they maintain a 3.0 grade-point average. This discount applies to only those under the age of 25, but it could save you a good chunk of change on your policy.

It can be used for both high school and college students, giving them a long lifespan if applied as soon as they receive their license.

Affiliation Discounts

Your job or other memberships you hold may help you save on your insurance rates. Some companies offer affiliation discounts for insurance if you are employed or keep membership with them.

Though these can vary from company to company, it is always worth asking if your employer or any membership you hold offers savings you can apply to your insurance policy. 

You might even find the discount applies with another provider, meaning if you want to take advantage of the savings, you will have to switch your coverage.

Safety Discounts

A vehicle with an abundance of safety features seems like a great choice to keep you protected on the road, and your insurance company will likely think so too.

Many companies will offer discounts to customers who drive safe vehicles because they see them as less of a hazard than those who don’t have such up-to-date safety features. Simply check with your agent to see if your vehicle qualifies.

Good Driver Discount

Suppose you have a squeaky clean driving record, typically meaning you have not had an auto accident, violation, or claim on your policy within the last three to five years. In that case, you can qualify for a good driver discount.

Your insurance company is all about risk, so proving you are not a liability to insure makes them a little more willing to cut down on your costs. Each provider differs in their time frame of good driving, so check with your agent and see if you qualify.

Occupational Discounts

Many auto insurance companies will offer discounts depending on your occupation. For example, teachers, military personnel, federal employees, first responders, doctors, and nurses are all likely to find auto insurance discounts based on their job.

Work can be stressful, so knowing you can receive a little appreciation for the job you do through insurance savings can be a nice reward.

Occupational discounts will depend on what your provider offers. You may find deals for other jobs not listed above, or you may want to shop for other providers if you don’t see a discount for your career with your current company.

Research and Shop Around for Your Auto Insurance

Insurance coverage is a must if you own a vehicle. Although costs may seem high at times, you don’t have to settle for the price with so many discounts available. 

Start with some research and find what you may qualify for based on your driving record, occupation, vehicle, or even your grades. There are many discounts available to meet almost any need. Then speak to your agent and start saving.

Alexandra Arcand writes and researches for the auto insurance site, She loves learning about new auto insurance discounts and sharing them with her readers to help them save money on their coverage.


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